Got Kindle? Then read my latest action thrillers Under Attack and Threatcon Delta. See Amazon for details.




This book kicks the asses of almost any other military or action book I've read in the last year or so at least. This guy's one fiendishly clever writer. Some of the twists of the plot are really bitchin'. Like what they do to the terrorists in the last chapter. That's one plot twist I never saw in the movies. I won't say what it is, because that would spoil the fun. Otherwise, I wish the book was longer, but it pulled everything together perfectly. I sold the last couple of series books I bought to the local used book store. The list included books by Tom Clancy and Dale Brown. I'm keeping my copy of Terminal Vector so I can read it again at least one more time, though. Coming from me, that's a huge compliment.


I'm a Marine serving in Afghanistan. We got some copies of this book in a box load that was donated to our unit library. I just want to say that I enjoyed the book immensely. The author sure knows what he's talking about as far as weapons and tactical matters are concerned. He's also really skilled at telling a story that builds with each chapter so that you're really hooked from the first page to the last. Somehow Under Attack by David Alexander grabbed me from beginning to end, where sadly I plowed through at least ten other series by junk writers who were plainly atrocious phonies who are probably just wimps in real life pretending to be soldiers.

There's no pretend in the stuff Alexander writes. He knows his shit. I kept thinking as I read the book that I wished we could get him to come to Iraq and autograph some copies. I passed my copy around to another guy in my platoon and he enjoyed it a whole lot too. So far, the book's been passed around so much that it's practically fallen apart.

We just asked one of the guy's wives back home to send us some more copies of whatever she can find from Alexander. I just want this author to know that there are soldiers in the line of fire that are taking his book into combat with them.

PS: As I'm writing this I just got word that the copy of Under Attack helped stop a fragment from an IED and saved my buddy's life! The copy of Under Attack is now part of our unit history. Semper fi, brother! You are the greatest.

Thriller readers prefer David Alexander's books to Tom Clancy's by a wide margin.

[Under Attack] takes the global action thriller to a new level of storytelling. The author has set the action in a world of combat action that has never existed in reality and may never exist. Under Attack is in effect set in an alternative universe that is similar to our actual world but very different in many other regards. Under Attack, like some of Alexander’s books that preceded this thriller, is also set at least two decades in the future.

Alexander can not only play around with a terrorist chieftain who has pledged eternal jihad against the United States called the Mahdi, but can also pit a U.S.-led global military coalition against a resurgent and belligerent Soviet Union, reborn under a dictator who is pledged to bring the world under Soviet dominance even if it takes global warfare and megadeaths to accomplish his end.

Just as the Mahdi is a believable successor to Osama bin Laden, so the neo-Soviet leader is almost as believable a character as Vladimir Putin, who he closely resembles. Beyond the geopolitical framework, Alexander (who has penned several nonfiction military titles, including Tomorrow's Soldier, Stealth Warfare and The Building: A Biography of the Pentagon) has created equally believable next-generation weapon systems that are deployed in a high-tech, futuristic battlefield.

Alexander paints accurate, detailed pictures of how each weapon functions, how it is used tactically in this future universe of warfare, taking the reader along step by step. The entire effect makes for totally gripping, enthralling reading in the Tom Clancy mode that nevertheless throws the reader more surprises than a cluster bomb blowing an enemy tank to smithereens. Under Attack crackles with excitement on every page. It is a not-to-be-missed experience in military thriller reading. I highly recommend it.

 "Judging by his books, Clancy thinks the Cold War is still on, but Dave is a genuine expert." -- A reader.

 In a recent television interview, Alexander was asked about what had inspired him to create the characters and general situations featured in his recent books, Threatcon Delta and Under Attack.


"First of all," replied Alexander, "I want to point out that like some of my other recent thrillers, the plotlines unfold not only in the near future but actually in an alternate universe where geopolitical realities something like our own prevail but in which there are certain marked differences."


"Such as what, for example?" Alexander was asked.


"For one thing, there is a resurgent Soviet Union in the sagas. In this alternate universe the United States is not only engaged in a war against global terrorism, but is actually fighting a 21st century version of the Cold War. Not re-fighting the Cold War, mind you, but fighting an entirely different and more dangerous version of East-West confrontation with new and more deadly weaponry. As I pointed out in my book Stealth Warfare, this might eventually happen, since the C.I.S. is today very actively vying with the West in a kind of clandestine arms race behind the scenes."


David Alexander’s books are available at brick and mortar bookstores worldwide and via Internet shopping outlets.



*Names withheld at readers’ requests.