et in
the near-future, the four-book Nomad miniseries featured a covert operator known
only as Quinn (code-named Nomad) who was a master of weapons, high-technology
and martial arts. When I was asked how the character might be depicted on
covers, I sent my photo adding rather flippantly that Gold Eagle could base the
covers on this if they wanted to see how a real action hero looked. I also
suggested they blend the image of Nomad's face with a montage of integrated
circuit chips. To my surprise that's exactly what they did. To my knowledge the
Nomad technothrillers represent the first portrayal of a type of action hero
that's become familiar in films like "The Matrix," in fact there's even a
virtual reality computer system called Matrix in one of the books.
ebook editions I'm making available for free download are different from the
published versions, having been prepared from my original, unedited manuscripts.
As all rights to the books have reverted to me I'm going to make them available
in the form I originally wrote them. This is in some cases considerably
different from the final form in which the miniseries was published.
versions of the first, second, third -- and now the fourth and final --
Nomad titles, in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, are ready for downloading. Click the
top cover to get them. As for me, I've got a kung fu lesson in ten minutes.